My Project
Designo Multipage Website

Strapi CMS
Side Project

A multi-page website built with Next.js, TypeScript, SASS and integrated with Strapi CMS.

Designo Multipage Website

Designo Multi-page Website

Designo a multi-page website built with Next.js, TypeScript, SASS and integrated with Strapi CMS.

This is a multi-page website built with Next.js, TypeScript, SASS and integrated with Strapi CMS.

This is my attempt for the challenge from Frontend Mentor. You can see my solution here.


🧐 Why I built this?

I built this project to practice my skills in Next.js, TypeScript and SASS. I also wanted to practice my design skills and improve my ability to convert a design into a website.

Also, I wanted to practice integrating a CMS into a website. I chose Strapi because it is a headless CMS that is easy to use and has a lot of useful features.

🚀 Features

  • Responsive Design: The website is fully responsive and works on all screen sizes.
  • Multi-page: The website has multiple pages: Home, About, Locations, Contact.
  • CMS Integration: The website is integrated with Strapi CMS. The content is fetched from the CMS and displayed on the website.
  • Server Side Rendering: The website is built with Next.js which provides server side rendering for better performance and SEO.
  • Form Submission: The contact form on the Contact page is fully functional. When the form is submitted, the data is sent to a Strapi API endpoint and saved in the CMS.