My Project

School Projects
Movie Streaming

A Movie Streaming Website built with ReactJS, MaterialUI, ExpressJS, Firebase and FFmpeg.



RedStream - a Movie Streaming Website built with ReactJS, MaterialUI, ExpressJS, Firebase and FFmpeg.

01.webp 10.webp 05.webp

Who Made This?

  • Sanjay THAPA
  • SINGH Pawandeep
  • FAN Tsz Kin
  • KO Chun Kit
  • SZE Chun

Let's Get Started!

  1. Clone this repo
  2. Go to the directory of the repo
  3. Double click start_backend.bat
  4. Double click start_frontend.bat
  5. Done

Demo Admin Account

Demo User Account

Learn More

This is a Group Project built in 2021 for the Final Year Project of the Associate Degree in Information System Development.

The following tech is used in this project.

  • ReactJS - the frontend framework of this project.
  • MaterialUI - the UI solutions of this project.
  • Firebase - the database of this project.
  • ExpressJS - the backend of this project.
  • FFmpeg - the video encoder of this project.